



LAVENDER(Lavandula Officinalis)

Lavandula angustifolia, better known as Lavender, is a perennial evergreen plant that has produced the most used essential oil in the world for over 2500 years. Thriving in oceanic climates with dry, rocky, sandy terrain, Lavender can be found in the Mediterranean region, Europe, Africa, the Canary Islands, the Middle East, and India.

The name Lavender is believed to be derived from the Latin word “lavare,” meaning “to wash,” as it was often used in baths and laundry for its fragrant properties. With a calming, physically and emotionally balancing fragrance, it has commonly been used for its relaxing effects on the body. According to ancient texts, its purposes range from medicinal to religious, having been used to clean cuts and to soothe bruises and skin irritations, as well as to scent the air for spiritual practices. Other historical uses for this oil included mummification and perfumery for the Egyptians, while for the Romans it was used in baths and in cooking.

Used medicinally, Lavender essential oil has been found to eliminate harmful bacteria, relieve muscle spasms, relieve flatulence, disinfect and soothe inflamed skin especially when resulting from a venomous, itchy bug bite, promote speedy healing of irritated and scarred skin, and to relieve muscle tension when used in a massage.
When used in aromatherapy, this mild sedative is reputed to reduce stress by relaxing the brain waves, which is also said to reduce cortisol levels that contribute to the stress hormone. As cortisol leads to lower immunity, Lavender would accordingly support the immune system by helping relieve feelings of stress that can weaken health. Lavender is believed to help balance hormones, to reduce feelings of nervous tension, and based on empirical evidence, has worked to reduce feelings of depression for some individuals. Due to its calming and relaxing properties, it can work as a sleep aid for those suffering from insomnia.

The uses for Lavender essential oil are abundant, ranging from medicinal and odorous to cosmetic. Its many forms include oils, gels, lotions, soaps, shampoos, sprays, and candle making.
Used in aromatherapy, the fragrance is inhaled and scent receptors in the brain’s emotional powerhouse process the smell as calming, allowing the brain and body to relax. Similarly, a few drops smoothed onto a pillow may promote faster onset of deeper sleep with a decreased number of sleep disturbances. Its ability to reduce emotional stress such as anxiety and its potency in alleviating headaches also extends to its ability to reduce feelings of motion sickness and to improve the mood. It is believed that Lavender can reduce symptoms of hay fever when inhaled deeply.
Diluted with a carrier oil and used topically, Lavender oil moisturizes chapped and aging skin. Its anti-septic and anti-fungal properties may help to reduce itching and swelling caused by insect bites. Known to have anti-microbial properties, it provides soothing relief to minor burns and cuts, decreasing pain and inhibiting bleeding while eliminating bacteria from the wound. Its potential to restore skin complexion is also demonstrated with use on aging and acne-prone skin on which it slows the look of aging with its powerful anti-oxidant action and improves the look and feel of skin that is subject to eczema and psoriasis. In hair care, Lavender is known to be an anti-septic that effectively eliminates lice, nits, and dandruff when rubbed into the scalp.
As a spray, Lavender acts as a natural perfume and a non-toxic air freshener that creates a relaxing atmosphere, especially for the bedroom. In the bathroom, it can be sprayed onto towels for a fresh and calming scent.










一、 禁止使用對象: 新生兒、嬰幼兒
二、 有下列情況者,應避免使用或諮詢醫師或專業人員意見再行使用:
1. 孕婦、哺乳婦女、未滿 12 歲兒童及體質容易過敏者。
2. 曾對精油過敏者。
3. 患有皮膚相關疾病(如濕疹、牛皮癬、皮膚癌、接觸性或異位性皮膚炎…等)以及皮膚有傷口或破損狀況者。
4. 患有心血管疾病、腦神經、自體免疫以及精神疾病者。 三、 緊急處理須注意:
1. 使用精油時避免接觸眼睛、黏膜及私密處皮膚,如不小心接觸,應立即 以大量清水沖洗,倘若處理後不適情況仍持續,請立即就醫診治。
2. 使用精油時如有皮膚過敏(如紅、腫、癢…等)不適現象發生時,應立即 拭除後以大量清水沖洗,倘若處理後不適情況仍持續,請立即就醫診治。
