


TEA-TREE(Melaleuca alternifolia)

Tea tree oil comes in an amber-colored bottle. Oils are light sensitive, and the dark bottle protects the tea tree oil from oxidizing and becoming less effective. The bottle comes with an easy-to-use dropper and is convenient to carry. Tea tree oil can help fire up and enhance your body’s immune system. Regularly massage tea tree oil into the bottom of your feet or diffuse the oil in the air for best results. Tea tree oil can also help treat colds, coughs and bronchitis. Massage the oil into your chest or the bottoms of your feet or infuse a couple drops into hot water and breathe in the steam. Tea tree oil can be used as a skin cleanser. Use just a drop with your regular cleanser or apply lightly on blemishes and acne breakouts. Tea tree oil can also be used to help treat athlete’s foot and other fungal infections. For athlete’s foot, apply the oil to your feet, place a few drops in your shoes or soak your feet in a warm bath with a few drops of the oil and sea salt. Topically, it can be used to treat small cuts or wounds and skin infections but should be diluted with carrier oil — such as jojoba or almond carrier oils. And yes, Tea tree oil can be used to get rid of head lice! Simply add a few drops to water and soak your hair and scalp with it. Then soak combs, brushes and anything that touches your hair. You can also massage your scalp and hair with the oil directly.










一、 禁止使用對象: 新生兒、嬰幼兒
二、 有下列情況者,應避免使用或諮詢醫師或專業人員意見再行使用:
1. 孕婦、哺乳婦女、未滿 12 歲兒童及體質容易過敏者。
2. 曾對精油過敏者。
3. 患有皮膚相關疾病(如濕疹、牛皮癬、皮膚癌、接觸性或異位性皮膚炎…等)以及皮膚有傷口或破損狀況者。
4. 患有心血管疾病、腦神經、自體免疫以及精神疾病者。 三、 緊急處理須注意:
1. 使用精油時避免接觸眼睛、黏膜及私密處皮膚,如不小心接觸,應立即 以大量清水沖洗,倘若處理後不適情況仍持續,請立即就醫診治。
2. 使用精油時如有皮膚過敏(如紅、腫、癢…等)不適現象發生時,應立即 拭除後以大量清水沖洗,倘若處理後不適情況仍持續,請立即就醫診治。
